Sub Cruce Candida,100 Years of Army Nursing 1902-2002 Sub Cruce Candida,100 Years of Army Nursing 1902-2002 Sub Cruce Candida,100 Years of Army Nursing 1902-2002 Sub Cruce Candida,100 Years of Army Nursing 1902-2002 Sub Cruce Candida,100 Years of Army Nursing 1902-2002

Sub Cruce Candida,100 Years of Army Nursing 1902-2002

In 2002 Queen Alexandra's Royal Army Nursing Corps celebrated the one hundredth anniversary of the formation of its predecessor, Queen Alexandra's Imperial Military Nursing Service, from which the current organisation evolved. This book, presented in landscape format, has been compiled on behalf of the QARANC Association, the Corps Charity, as part of the Centenary Celebrations and to record the work and acheivements of the Army's various Regular, Reserve and Territorial Nursing Services, in peace and war, during the intervening years.
The presentation includes more than 300 black and white photographs, mostly never before published, drawn from the large Corps collection held in the Army Medical Services Museum in Aldershot. Also included, for the first time on public display, are coloured reproductions of paintings of the three former Royal Presidents and Colonels in Chief, Queen Alexandra, Queen Mary and The Princess Margaret taken from the Corps' private colection.

The work includes an introductory description of the history of military nursing from earliest times to the present day, a year by year chronology of significant events and, interspersed throughout, quotations from personal diaries and documents selected from the Corps' extensive museum collection.

Code: 51683

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